"A Dying Robot's Last Dance" by City of the Asleep

			ease into the fade
			that a whisper generates
			a painful tide has resurrected
			connotative frames
			seen through scarlet gauze
			as memories decay
			a wound that time might have mended
			had i not looked away

			search the sky one last time
			before the flames consume your eyes

			silence speaks through a lipless mouth
			of reminiscent grace
			the wisdom realized in the moment
			sepia turns to grey

			it cannot die if you refuse to morn it
			it can't be born if you deny its message
			nothing stops the will that time ignores
			what can't release can never be forgiven
			what cannot change is doomed to be forsaken
			the one belief that cannot be mistaken
			is this

			the words you whisper as the shadows grew
			the waves of light recede from burning shores
			echo back to everyone you've been
			reminding them of what you've come to be

			search the sky one last time
			before the flames consume your eyes
			deny regret, embrace defeat
			and so consumed, become complete